The Enneagram For Personal Growth

Unless you live under a rock you have most likely heard of the Enneagram. Despite my love for all things personality related, I was a skeptic of this tool at first. After reading through the type descriptions and taking a test I came to find out that I am a Type 3. I had never felt so called out by anything in my life. The Enneagram helped me to put into words the things that I have always felt. Additionally, the Enneagram helped me realize that many of my struggles were not unique to me but to many other Type 3s out there and thus I did not feel alone. I am passionate about the enneagram not only because it leads to greater self-awareness but also because can be used to understand one’s family and friends in a deeper way which promotes healthy relationships.

While it’s popularity continues to grow, the Enneagram of Personality is an ancient study and was first created by a Christian mystic in the 4th century. The Enneagram consists of 9 basic types. Each type has lines connecting to two other numbers on the circle which show the traits they take on in stress and security. For example, because I am a Type 3 and because my lines connect to 9 and 6, I take on qualities of a 9 in disintegration and a 6 in integration. Additionally, each type has what is called a wing. While there is one dominant type, each type has a wing. The wings are the numbers on either side of your basic type that strongly influence it. For instance, because I am a Type 3 my wings would either be Type 2 or 4. My wing is Type 4 because that is the one that I relate to stronger. Each enneagram type has core needs, desires, and motivations that guide their personality. Below is each type, its name, and core need.

Type 1 – The Reformer “I need to be perfect”

Type 2 – The Helper “I need to be needed”

Type 3 – The achiever “I need to feel valuable”

Type 4 – The Individualist “I need to be unique

Type 5 – The Investigator “I need to be competent”

Type 6 – The Loyalist “I need to be secure”

Type 7 – The Enthusiast “I need to be happy”

Type 8 – The Challenger “I need to be strong”

Type 9 – The Peacemaker “I need to be at peace”

The Enneagram is helpful to personal growth in a number of ways. Unlike many personality tests that mainly focus on traits and behavior, the enneagram points out the motivations behind those said traits and behaviors. The Enneagram has helped me to unlearn many of the things that I believed and can do the same for you as well! Change your life today by taking these practical steps in self-awareness.

Written By: Arlee Grace Pryor

Instagram: @arleegrace
